Monday, October 31, 2011

#6) Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)

When I share, it's generally from the heart without anticipating anything in return. I don't expect reciprocation, keep tallies, or ask "what's in it for me?"  I would hope that most people are the same way. We share because it's human nature to be altruistic and to empathize with others. The only thing I will sometimes ask in return is to pay the favor forward. For example, when I've provided genealogy information for a distant relative or friend and they ask how they can repay me, I will simply request that they do the same for someone else when the chance arises.

I can think of lots of ways that I share with my family, most of them involving the contribution of food, time, or money. I visit my mother every day, do small chores for her, and bring her dishes that I know she likes to eat. I send food and money back to school with my college-age daughter, and I go to Dr. appointments with my pregnant older daughter and help her prepare the baby's nursery. I order my husband's medications and help him save money for the car parts he wants to buy or car shows he wants to enter. I share with my co-workers by telling funny stories to lighten the mood, listening, or occasionally bringing in treats. I share money and raise funds for charitable causes like the United Way, the American Heart Association, and United in Pink (the local breast cancer group). I also donate to the ALS foundation in honor of my friend George, and the National MS Society in honor of my friend Janet.

But often times, I think it's the random acts of kindness that mean the most to both the giver and the recipient. These are selfless acts that are often spontaneous and usually involve strangers. Random acts of kindness don't take a lot of time or effort, but they significantly improve someone's day and often serve to lift their spirits. I used to belong to a Random Acts of Kindness internet group which was started by my cousin, but it's been awhile since I put any thought or effort into it. Tomorrow I vow to find a way to surprise a stranger with a random act of kindness. In fact, I look forward to it because I know that in addition to helping someone else, it will improve my day and bring a smile to my face as well.

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