Sunday, January 8, 2012

This year I will say YES to...

This post is inspired by my friend Susan, who recently wrote in a blog about being grateful for a wide circle of friends available to her. As I read her blog, I realized that there are so many activities that I do alone because I haven't yet found friends willing to do them with me. It's not that I have no friends here. I do have buddies who are willing to shop, go to the movies, eat, drink, or work out at the gym whenever we're so inclined. But I don't know a soul locally who'd be willing/able to go hiking or bike riding with me. Or sit and scrapbook, craft, or sew. It's good to do these things alone sometimes, but there are many times I miss the companionship. My world here is full of acquaintances, but few heart-to-heart friends. So this year, I will say YES to expanding my social circle here where I live; I will say YES to widening my network of friends.

It's not that I haven't tried in the past. I've put in efforts here and there with limited success. I've ridden bikes with a co-worker who has since quit her job and stopped riding due to a new baby, and another lady who decided that I was more advanced in riding ability than she was despite my encouragement. My neighbor was going to ride with me one Sunday but he canceled at the last minute, giving the excuse that my endurance was far greater than his. (I have a feeling that the real reason may have been objections from his wife!) I also rode with a group in Perry which has since been taken over by racing types, and another club that combines bike riding with kayaking, camping, hiking, etc. The latter group is still on my list of possibilities; I'd like my husband to go along with me on some of the hikes and camping trips to meet other couples. Rich and I enjoyed our dance lessons but they were expensive and therefore they dropped way down on our list of priorities.

It's hard to make friends here in Middle Georgia. I've encountered a vast lack of education, plenty of old-fashioned ideas and beliefs, Bible Belt sensibilities, and yes, some close-minded, racist types. It takes more effort to find compatibility here than any other place I've ever lived. But that's not to say it's impossible by any means.

So I'll renew my efforts. I'll grab Rich and go check out the Bare Bulb Coffeehouse in Kathleen that I've read about. We'll attend more music events at the Big House and make plans to get together with the camping/hiking/riding group that I rode with previously. A co-worker and her mother teach craft classes at Hobby Lobby; I'll sign up for one of their classes and perhaps meet some fellow craft/sewing/scrapbooking people that way. Maybe Rich and I will check out that upholstery class that we talked about or begin dance lessons once again. The possibilities are endless and I'm not being fair to myself to give up because of past fruitless endeavors.

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