Thursday, January 5, 2012

This year it is my intention to let go of...

... sweating the small stuff. The stuff that often irritates me on a daily basis, but when I look at the big picture of life, it really doesn't amount to a hill of beans. For example....

My department at work is comprised mostly of women and there's a lot of gossip and talking behind others' backs which is basically initiated by one person. I already ignore it and isolate myself when it's going on, but I let it bother me. I know I'm not going to change it; I need to stop letting it ruin my day.

My husband has a tendency to pontificate in a loud voice when he dislikes or disagrees with what I'm saying. You'd think I'd be used to it after all these years, but there are still times when I internalize it and feel that he's talking down to me. I need to knock it off, quit taking it personally, and see it for what it is... his way of expressing his opinion.

My mother assigns my retired brother to "walking on water" status whereas I'm the worker bee. The other night we needed his help in recalling something about her finances. I suggested that we call him to ask. My mother checked her watch and quickly said, "Well, it's probably his dinner time now and I don't want to interrupt him." Never mind that I had just worked all day, had spent the last hour and a half helping her, and it should also have been MY dinner time. At that point, I immediately asserted myself in the kindest way possible, told her it had been a long day for me and I really need to go home, fix my dinner and relax. I left, but I carried the resentment with me and stewed about the inequality of the situation, and that's where I need to stop. It is what it is.

I want to quit making huge resentments out of aggravations. If I could learn to do this successfully, I'd be a happier person in 2012.

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