Friday, November 4, 2011

#10) Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)

I think I've always done this pretty well, and still do despite the aging factor and its effect on forgetfulness! I don't promise lightly. I'm also good about carrying through on things I say I'll do, even when I haven't necessarily promised.

Being a people-pleaser by nature, I know that forgetting promises can lead to great disappointment and hurt feelings. I've been on the receiving end enough times, and I certainly don't want to be a person who does this to others. It reflects on you as a person and shows that you're insincere. I usually don't buy the "I forgot" excuse when it comes to breaking promises. I simply think that the promise-breaker hasn't assigned enough importance to the promise or to the person who was promised.

I particularly don't like to see children hurt by broken promises. This was one of my pet peeves as a mother when my girls were small. Looking back, it served as a valuable lesson when it happened, though.  I remember explaining to them that even people that they love have their flaws and aren't perfect. And telling them to always remember how badly they felt when something they were promised didn't happen, so that they'd never do the same to someone else. I think they learned the lesson well; both of my daughters are very good about remembering and keeping their promises as well.

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