Monday, November 21, 2011

If you were to describe your current emotional life as a color... what color would you pick?

I'd pick a shade of orange to represent my current emotional life. I feel generally happy at this point in time, but I'm also extremely busy, on the brink of feeling almost frantic sometimes. So in combining the happines of yellow with the energy of red, I get orange.

Coincidentally, orange has always been my favorite color, from the softer coral/melon shades to the darker sienna/umber shades. Orange also represents fall, my favorite season. When I was a child, I remember getting occasional rides to school from my friend's mother--the one who abused her daughter. Once she asked all of us kids one by one what our favorite color was. It was like she was doing some sort of armchair analysis on each of us. When I answered orange, she paused for a long time and then asked, "Really?" in an incredulous tone. In my 8-year-old mind, she made me feel as if I picked the "wrong" color. (I never did like that woman!) But I stubbornly stuck by it then, and I still love it.

I googled the meaning of the color orange just for kicks. Orange represents enthusiasm, creativity, determination, encouragement, stimulation and optimism. I'll take big doses of all of those! I recently bought a sweater in a beautiful melon color. I have it on today, and it makes me happy.

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