Thursday, November 3, 2011

#9) Forgive without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)

I see this principle as an extension of my previous post. Writing it took a lot out of me, because I've shoved that memory away numerous times without examining it, not wanting to relive all the emotion, pain and guilt again. Not wanting to replay it in my head ad nauseum. I know I'm much harder on myself than on anyone else. It's very telling that I eventually forgive others without punishment, while imposing an endless litany of reading the riot act to myself. I can beat myself up better than anyone else can.

I logically know that forgiving myself is important to my well-being. Carrying around self anger and guilt in a heavy backpack can cause or worsen all sorts of illnesses, both mental and physical. The secret to forgiving myself is to take responsibility for my actions, but not to let my failures bury me. To learn from past mistakes and move on. TO REMIND MYSELF THAT IT'S OK NOT TO BE PERFECT. To know that I'm worthy of forgiveness.

Self-forgiveness isn't easy. If only there was an internal "system reset" button! I suppose I'll know that I've successfully forgiven myself when the memory gives me no more pain. Or at least less pain. I look forward to that day.

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